Darkstalkers Resurrection Review | XboxAddict
Added: 26.03.2013 5:50 | 27 views | 0 comments
XboxAddict: "Molded from the same formulas as Street Fighter, Darkstalkers brought to the ring a slew of characters ranging from those found in horror movies, to children's stories and more, which in turn, provided Capcom a way to seemingly re-invent the wheel. "
| PAX East 2013 Darkstalkers Resurrection Epic Cosplay
Added: 25.03.2013 13:18 | 25 views | 0 comments
From AnalogHype.com: "So we have an entire article planned specifically for cosplay, but Capcom had to go and do something ridiculous. Just this week, as part of their 30th Anniversary celebration, the company released an awesome HD version of the classic fighting franchise Darkstalkers called Darkstalkers Resurrection."
| Darkstalkers Resurrection Review | NZGamer
Added: 23.03.2013 21:19 | 18 views | 0 comments
NZGamer: "If youre a fan of Darkstalkers at all, waste no time in picking this up. If you havent played the series before, but have any interest in fighting games, youd do well to consider this as well - this is the definitive Darkstalkers, and you may just find that something special thats gripped the series cult of fans. And hey, every sale helps convince Capcom to greenlight Darkstalkers 4."
| Darkstalkers Resurrection Review | The Escapist
Added: 23.03.2013 12:19 | 22 views | 0 comments
The Escapist: "Darkstalkers Resurrection isn't just a re-release of two classic fighting games, it also stands as the best example to date of how to revive games from the 1990s on modern gaming hardware."
| Darkstalkers Resurrection Review | GameDynamo
Added: 21.03.2013 23:18 | 24 views | 0 comments
GameDynamo - "At first glance, Darkstalkers Resurrection looks like another "me too" fighting game from the 90s. Take a few arch-types of horror movies, add in Street Fighter's 6 button control setup, and you aren't too far off from what you have here, but you've only touched the surface. The two games here play like a hybrid of the insanity of Marvel vs. Capcom with the options available in the Street Fighter Alpha series"
| Darkstalkers Resurrection Review | Machinima
Added: 21.03.2013 22:19 | 22 views | 0 comments
Machinima: "The Darkstalkers series is criminally overlooked when discussing the best 2D fighting games. Resurrection attempts to fix this misconception."
| ZTGD | Darkstalkers Resurrection Review
Added: 20.03.2013 13:21 | 20 views | 0 comments
Ken McKown writes: I can still remember the original EGM cover on which I first discovered Jon Talbain and company. As the monster movie equivalent of Street Fighter, Darkstalkers has always been a franchise near and dear to my heart. Laying dormant for so long has only made my love of the series grow, so much that I recently spent ample time playing the PSP iteration on my Vita, just because I needed my Hsien-Ko fix.
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